Thursday, May 17, 2012

May as well just dance

So I had a great girls weekend for Mother's Day. The thing about Mother's Day celebrating is that I can never figure out if that's the day you're supposed to NOT do anything motherly or if that's the day you're supposed to show your kids you can be the best of mothers by letting them make horrible messes of breakfast in bed so that you can then thank them through your gritted teeth and start cleaning.  If those are the options the best thing I can do is leave town.  

Naturally we spend a lot of our time away from the children talking about the children. When we feel like we are not doing it well, we fall back on the It Takes a Village thinking that basically is code for OH MY GOD THIS IS TOO BIG OF A JOB FOR ME PLEASE CALL IN REINFORCEMENTS, which, if we are honest about it, is why we LOVE school.  The problem is, this is probably what's happening at your carefully selected private school:  

But if you don't rely on them, they are just stuck with Uncle Eddie as your only back up and here's what HE teaches them:

I guess lock picking (notice how she glances around like she's on the lookout) is not such a bad skill, but since you know I have visions of prison sentences it doesn't sit so well with me.

Anyway, it's true that we can't raise these kids without some sort of community and I like the It Takes a Village idea so long as all the villagers have received background checks and don't subscribe to any porn websites or alien abduction theories.

The thing is, for all the worrying we do, the kids I see all seem to be pretty neat young people with their quirks and difficulties that will either be overcome, turned into something awesome, or translated into some treatable condition for their therapist later anyway. So the moms and I concluded that, if you are doing a sufficient amount of worrying over them, if you are enrolling them in endeavors with or without you that generate curiosity and enrich their imaginations, exposing them to the occasional failure and lots of kindness, then the kids are probably gonna be alright.

Now, who's up for making a video of us dancing behind them?


  1. I'll do the videoing, because I CERtainly don't want anyone to see me dancing. The Mother's Day card I sent my mom this year said the following: "If it takes a village to raise a child, where the hell did everyone sneak off to?"....right?

    1. They've left me- the village idiot- behind it seems. You can't be worse than some of those guys but as you wish...

  2. FYI, we did NOT teach Olivia to pick locks last weekend, just fed her lots of blackberry cobbler!

  3. Love! Working on video idea!
