Thursday, January 5, 2012

You have to do this with me.

I spend a lot of time perusing different news collection sites during the day. A few months ago I decided that maybe I could stretch a little by challenging myself to pick just two articles a day that I wouldn't normally read and explore them. Of course that meant I'd have to take away time from the celebrity and lifestyle portions of said sites, but a girl has to grow sometime. Anyway, the worst part is that my challenge means that sometimes I have to force myself to read something political (egad!) or financial (exhausting!). Just to reinforce my position as a completely unambitious person, I avoid any article that mentions the word GOAL or SUCCESS. Imagine my excitement when the words BUCKET LIST crossed the page today. I tried not to read it because that discussion always highlights my complete lack of ability to live with real intention (which I like to think you find to be an endearing quality), but my commitment to myself means I have to usually pick the article I'd be least likely to enjoy so I clicked on it.

Anywho, it turns out the article was about this FANTASTIC idea of creating a REVERSE bucket list - a list of things you would never participate in during your lifetime and hope to avoid at all costs (or at least that's how I interpreted it). Now this is my kind of list. This is perfect, I am thinking, for those of us with a lazy, general lack of curiosity about exploring the planet. I've already started mine. Here's the beginning of it:

Attend any event with the words "Women's Retreat" in it
Mall walk, or for that matter, moon walk
Cook with cream of mushroom soup or Italian salad dressing
Invest in a book with DIY in the title
Run or walk in any race
Vacation in a mud hut or any variation of a mud hut
Sky dive or hang glide
Hang wallpaper
Have plastic surgery (will reconsider in 15)
Get in one of those shark cages
Cross stitch (how DO they make the back look like anything other than a bird's nest?)
Be in your wedding
Serve on a Board of Directors
Willingly engage in something labeled an "Icebreaker" activity
Learn German
Set foot on that clear overlook thing they've built at the Grand Canyon
Wear one of those French Maid outfits

See? Isn't this fantastic? It's positively ingengious. You've got to do this with me. I'd love to know some of yours.


  1. This is fantastic!! Can't wait to make my own list!!

  2. I, for one, would love to see you moonwalk.

  3. Susan, I'm going to need a copy of that list!

  4. Yes Patty! They are, but my clumsiness knows no boundaries! Can you imagine the damage I could do?

  5. Comb over. Never ever ever ever will I do a comb over

  6. Never will vacation in Branson, Missouri

  7. Wear a fanny pack

    Use terms like "LOL" - are you really laughing out loud at everything you say?!?

    Wear mom jeans

    Run for the fun of it

  8. Katie! Fanny pack! Yessssssss! I truly am laughing out loud at that one.

  9. 1 Go to any arena-style ‘show’ in which a monster truck with a warlike name runs over smaller trucks.
    2 Attend a Hank Williams Jr concert. Politics aside, that is not a tuneful voice.
    3 Watch, compete, judge, or submit my daughters to any kind of Little Miss, Junior Miss, Ol’ Miss, Mrs./Ms./Mz. Pageant. No, my sisters. No.
    4 Revival. 5 nights a week under the tent. August.
    5 Colon cleanse or 17 Day Juice Fast or whatever else is going to detox my toxic body.
    6 Call into QVC and talk to the hosts about loving my sparkly sweater set.

  10. I just had a visual of combining a few of those.
