Monday, March 4, 2013

Here comes the sun...

I've had a couple of people mention that I've not posted much lately. I really love when I can find something to share with you that makes you laugh and I really love that you show up to see it.  If you don't know me well, you're probably not aware that I really come to life in the sunshine months.  These gray Fall and Winter days hammer away at me and it's been a lifelong habit for me to sort of hibernate and conserve energy until the sun shines consistently on me again.  That means most of my energy is spent sort of inwardly.  For those of you who have never heard of it, Seasonal Affective Disorder (appropriately acronymed to SAD) is a real thing - just ask the folks in Seattle - and we all probably deal with it to varying degrees.  I promise that as soon as we can string a long a few days that don't look like this you will hear more from me.

Now other SAD sufferers might call me a traitor, but you can find some good things about the fall and winter months. I mean, you may as well since it seems to come around every year anyway.  Green tea, good boots, lots of books and a great hot water heater can all become things to look forward to in a pinch.  I've come to believe in the wisdom of exercise and avoidance of comfort foods as real remedies for all sorts of winter complaints.  But trust me, I've done the experiment and it's not like you're going to feel better in Spring if you've succumbed to a sedentary and boozy, mac-and-cheese fueled Winter.

I'm starting to see more signs that soon we will all be complaining about the heat cast off from that big yellow ball that gives us all life.  The daffodils are all kamikaze like, coming up like Blackberry Winter isn't really a thing, but I guess when you are gorgeous you can just burst forth from the ground and show it all off and end your life thinking it was worth it to stretch towards the sun and let your life be a sign to those in hibernation that it will be okay soon. I  always treat the March and April months with a suspicious optimism.  It only took me like 35 years to stop breaking out the shorts until May. Still, I suppose I've seen this turn of seasons enough to poke my hibernating head out a little and soak up whatever blue sky and Vitamin D I can find.  It's coming friends. This week's forecast looks hopeful anyway.  I keep hearing Alabama Shakes' song, "Hold On" and that helps. Click below if you need the encouragement...

1 comment:

  1. "sedentary and boozy, mac-and-cheese fueled Winter" it. You crack me up and hit the nail on the head EVERY time. Funny you chose this song. Another friend of mine shared it with me recently too. LOVE
